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BBC „The Documentary Podcast“: „Women writing Zimbabwe“

Logo BBC bei Wikimedia Commons„Look at any fic­tion prize recent­ly and odds are that you will find a Zim­bab­wean woman nom­i­nat­ed, be it Tsit­si Dan­garem­ba, NoVi­o­let Bul­awayo or Peti­na Gap­pah.

But for­get the glitz of the Book­er, what is the sit­u­a­tion inside Zim­bab­we?

Reporter Tawan­da Mud­zon­ga takes us on a lit­er­ary tour of Zim­bab­we to find out why it has pro­duced so many tal­ent­ed and renowned women writ­ers. Tawan­da speaks to emerg­ing authors like Siphi­we Glo­ria Ndlovu, Valerie Tag­wira, Novuyo Rosa Tshu­ma and Sue Nyathi among oth­ers to explore what their writ­ing can tell us about mod­ern Zim­bab­we.“ (BBC)

Sie kön­nen die Sendung, die am 30.7.2023 in der Rei­he „The Doc­u­men­tary Pod­cast“ lief, über die Seite der BBC nach­hören oder als Audio­datei herun­ter­laden.

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