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New Books Network Podcast: „Subatomic Writing – Six Fundamental Lessons to Make Language Matter“

Im New Books Net­work Pod­cast in der Rei­he „Aca­d­e­m­ic Life“ sprach Christi­na Gessler am 10.10.2024 mit Jamie Zvirzdin:

Sub­atom­ic Writ­ing: Six Fun­da­men­tal Lessons to Make Lan­guage Mat­ter (Johns Hop­kins UP, 2023), by Johns Hop­kins Uni­ver­si­ty instruc­tor Jamie Zvirzdin, is a guide for writ­ing about science—from the sub­atom­ic lev­el up! 

Sub­atom­ic Writ­ing teach­es that the build­ing blocks of lan­guage are like par­ti­cles in physics. These par­ti­cles, com­bined and arranged, form some­thing greater than their parts: all mat­ter in the lit­er­ary uni­verse. This inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach helps sci­en­tists, sci­ence writ­ers, and edi­tors improve their writ­ing in fun­da­men­tal areas as they build from the sounds in a word to the pac­ing of a para­graph. These areas include: sound and sense; word class­es; gram­mar and syn­tax; punc­tu­a­tion; rhythm and empha­sis; and pac­ing and coher­ence. Equal­ly help­ful for stu­dents need­ing to learn to write clear­ly about sci­ence and for sci­en­tists hop­ing to cre­ate more effec­tive course mate­r­i­al, papers, and grant appli­ca­tions, this guide builds con­fi­dence in writ­ing abil­i­ties. Each les­son pro­vides exer­cis­es that build on each oth­er, strength­en­ing read­ers’ capac­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate ideas and data, all while learn­ing basic par­ti­cle physics along the way.

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