Viel zu entdecken gibt es auf der amerikanischen Plattform „Literary Hub“:
Literary Hub is an organizing principle in the service of literary culture, a single, trusted, daily source for all the news, ideas and richness of contemporary literary life. There is more great literary content online than ever before, but it is scattered, easily lost—with the help of its editorial partners, Lit Hub is a site readers can rely on for smart, engaged, entertaining writing about all things books. Each day—alongside original content and exclusive excerpts—Literary Hub is proud to showcase an editorial feature from one of its many partners from across the literary spectrum: publishers big and small, journals, bookstores, and non-profits.
Es gibt die Kategorien „Craft and Criticism“, „Fiction and Poetry“ und „News and Culture“. Im Lit Hub Radio sind verschiedene Podcasts versammelt, „unter „Book Marks“ gibt es Rezensionen, „CrimeReads“ kümmert sich um Kriminalliteratur und die „Reading Lists“ halten noch mehr Lesestoff vor.
gefunden bei den Kolleg:innen der UB Mannheim