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Kennen Sie schon … den „Literary Hub“?

Screenshot des Header-Bereichs der Website des "Literary Hub" (https://lithub.com/) (Stand 23.10.2024)

Viel zu ent­deck­en gibt es auf der amerikanis­chen Plat­tform „Lit­er­ary Hub“:

Lit­er­ary Hub is an orga­niz­ing prin­ci­ple in the ser­vice of lit­er­ary cul­ture, a sin­gle, trust­ed, dai­ly source for all the news, ideas and rich­ness of con­tem­po­rary lit­er­ary life. There is more great lit­er­ary con­tent online than ever before, but it is scat­tered, eas­i­ly lost—with the help of its edi­to­r­i­al part­ners, Lit Hub is a site read­ers can rely on for smart, engaged, enter­tain­ing writ­ing about all things books. Each day—alongside orig­i­nal con­tent and exclu­sive excerpts—Literary Hub is proud to show­case an edi­to­r­i­al fea­ture from one of its many part­ners from across the lit­er­ary spec­trum: pub­lish­ers big and small, jour­nals, book­stores, and non-prof­its.

Es gibt die Kat­e­gorien „Craft and Crit­i­cism“, „Fic­tion and Poet­ry“ und „News and Cul­ture“. Im Lit Hub Radio sind ver­schiedene Pod­casts ver­sam­melt, „unter „Book Marks“ gibt es Rezen­sio­nen, „CrimeReads“ küm­mert sich um Krim­i­nal­lit­er­atur und die „Read­ing Lists“ hal­ten noch mehr Leses­toff vor.

gefun­den bei den Kolleg:innen der UB Mannheim

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