In der letzten Zeit sind u.a. diese frei verfügbaren Titel erschienen:
The Italian Risorgimento in Mid-Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Popular Culture
Madeline Sporer
This book examines the transnational scope of the Italian Risorgimento from a British perspective. It considers British (expatriate) women’s poetry from the mid nineteenth to the early twentieth century, the role of the British press and the serial publications of the Society of the Friends of Italy, a London-based radical nationalist group founded by Giuseppe Mazzini, as essential for the creation of a British Risorgimento narrative and examines each group’s methods and influence in three case studies. This literary and cultural studies approach to the Italian national movement is particularly interested in the ways in which the ongoing movement for Italian unification influenced mid-nineteenth-century British literature and popular culture and it identifies and analyses a particular rhetorical repertoire that was coined in the mid-nineteenth century and redeployed by later generations for the British women’s movement. Thus, this book showcases that this rhetorical repertoire turned into a literary tradition that remained of paramount importance for both Italian national and women’s emancipation throughout and beyond the nineteenth century.
Spectatoriale Geschlechterkonstruktionen: Geschlechtsspezifische Wissens- und Welterzeugung in den französisch- und spanischsprachigen Moralischen Wochenschriften des 18. Jahrhunderts
Yvonne Völkl
Die auf den englischen Prototypen »The Spectator« (1711–1714) zurückgehenden Moralischen Wochenschriften sind ein beliebtes Zeitschriftenmedium des 18. Jahrhunderts, mit dem kulturelles Wissen ko-konstruiert, gespeichert und in ganz Europa verbreitet wurde. Yvonne Völkl erschließt das spectatoriale – d.h. das in den Periodika auftretende – Geschlechterwissen und erforscht Konstruktion, Verbreitung und Wandel der stereotypen Diskurse über Frauen und Männer in den französisch- und spanischsprachigen Wochenschriften. Wie sich zeigt, haben die geschlechtsspezifischen Diskurse der Aufklärung bis heute nichts an ihrer Aktualität und Wirkung verloren.
A Topos Subverted: Italy in the 20th and 21st century German literary imagination
Francesca Teltscher Taylor–3‑503–23806‑4
What has become of the literary topos “Italy”—once so central to German literature—in the 20th and early 21st centuries? Does it still have a role to play in the German self-understanding and in what way has this role changed? To address these questions, this study focusses on six texts. Each text revises, subverts, and radicalises this literary topos such that it gains new contemporary relevance and speaks to the themes of intertextuality, memoria, gender, and imagination. Culturally, the German speaking world continues to define itself in relation to its southern European neighbours: the authors continue their cultural mapping along a North-South divide, with the intellectual geography of Europe maintaining its relevance.
However, the six literary travels to Italy reveal an epistemological map that differs greatly from that which Johann Wolfgang von Goethe famously created in his Italienische Reise. As the texts explore (with metafictional flare) their inability to escape the cultural episteme that they inherit, they turn their attention to altering the episteme itself by focussing on their own fictionality. In so doing, they breathe a new lease of life into a reformed literary “Italy” that no longer promises the harmonious alignment of the subject with their world, but increasingly discovers the narrative freedom to articulate a fractured sense of self.