

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Slavistik 2024.12

Über Gott und mit Gott sprechen – Zwis­chen Rus­sisch und Kirchenslavisch: Zur Sprache der christlichen Mys­tik im Rus­s­land der Neuzeit
BuchcoverDas The­ma der christlichen Mys­tik ist seit­ens der Kirchengeschichte rel­a­tiv gut erforscht, in der Slav­is­tik ist es dage­gen ein Novum. Das 18. Jahrhun­dert im Rus­s­land der Neuzeit ist in dieser Beziehung nicht nur aus religiös-philosophis­chen, son­dern speziell aus sprach- und kul­tur­poli­tis­chen sowie lin­guis­tis­chen Grün­den von beson­derem Inter­esse, da in den Tex­ten, die nach ein­er geeigneten Sprache für ein Gespräch mit Gott und über Gott suchen, sich die sprach­lichen ­Vari­anten abspie­len, die für die Her­aus­bil­dung der rus­sis­chen Standard­sprache entschei­dend sind. Das vor­liegende Buch unter­sucht die im 18. Jahrhun­dert ent­stande­nen mehrfachen Über­set­zun­gen ins Rus­sis­che von zwei mys­tis­chen Werken – dem Cor­pus Are­opagiticum und der Vier Büch­er vom wahren Chris­ten­tum von Johann Arndt.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

The Eisen­stein Uni­verse
BuchcoverOver the decades since he was first hailed by crit­ics and film­mak­ers around the world, Sergei Eisen­stein has assumed many iden­ti­ties. Orig­i­nal­ly cast as a prophet of rev­o­lu­tion and the mae­stro of mon­tage, and lat­er seen as both a vic­tim of and apol­o­gist for Stalin’s tyran­ny, the scale and impact of Eisenstein’s lega­cy has con­tin­ued to grow. If ear­ly research on Eisen­stein focused on his direc­to­r­i­al work – from the leg­endary Bat­tle­ship Potemkin and Octo­ber to the still-con­tro­ver­sial Ivan the Ter­ri­ble – with time schol­ars have dis­cov­ered many oth­er aspects of his mul­ti­far­i­ous out­put.
In recent years, mul­ti­me­dia exhi­bi­tions, access to his vast archive of draw­ings, and pub­li­ca­tion of his pre­vi­ous­ly cen­sored the­o­ret­i­cal writ­ings have cast Eisen­stein in a new light. Deeply engaged with some of the lead­ing thinkers and artists of his own time, Eisen­stein remains a focus for many of their suc­ces­sors, con­test­ed as well as revered. Over half a cen­tu­ry since his death in 1948, an ambi­tious trea­tise that he hoped would be his major lega­cy, Method, has final­ly been pub­lished. Eisenstein’s life­long search for an under­ly­ing uni­ty that would link archa­ic art with film’s moder­ni­ty, indi­vid­u­als with their his­toric com­mu­ni­ties, and humans as a species with the uni­verse, may have more appeal than ever today. And among his many thwart­ed film projects, those set in Mex­i­co and what were once the Sovi­et Cen­tral Asian republics reveal com­plex and still-intrigu­ing realms of spec­u­la­tion.
In this ground-break­ing col­lec­tion, six­teen inter­na­tion­al schol­ars explore Eisenstein’s pre­scient engage­ment with aes­thet­ics, anthro­pol­o­gy and psy­chol­o­gy, his roots in diverse philo­soph­i­cal tra­di­tions, and his gen­der pol­i­tics. What emerges has sur­pris­ing rel­e­vance to con­tem­po­rary media archae­ol­o­gy, inter­me­di­al­i­ty, cog­ni­tive sci­ence, eco-crit­i­cism and queer stud­ies, as well as con­firm­ing Eisenstein’s pres­tige with­in present-day film and audio­vi­su­al media.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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