

New Books Network Podcast: „Because Internet“

Im New Books Net­work Pod­cast in der Rei­he „Lan­guage on the Move“ sprach Gretchen McCul­loch im Juni 2024 über ihre Forschung rund um Sprache & Inter­net:

Brynn Quick speaks with best-sell­ing author and lin­guist Gretchen McCul­loch about her 2019 New York Times best­selling book Because Inter­net: Under­stand­ing the New Rules of Lan­guage (River­head Books, 2020). Gretchen has writ­ten a Res­i­dent Lin­guist col­umn at The Toast and Wired. She is also the co-cre­ator of Lingth­u­si­asm, a wild­ly pop­u­lar pod­cast that’s enthu­si­as­tic about lin­guis­tics.

Because Inter­net is for any­one who’s ever puz­zled over how to punc­tu­ate a text mes­sage or won­dered where memes come from. It’s the per­fect book for under­stand­ing how the inter­net is chang­ing the Eng­lish lan­guage, why that’s a good thing, and what our online inter­ac­tions reveal about who we are.

For addi­tion­al resources, show notes, and tran­scripts, go here.

Das Buch „Because Inter­net“ ist unter der Sig­natur 3K 85818 bei uns ver­füg­bar.

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