Specialised Information Service Benelux / Low Countries Studies
Under the auspices of the Specialised Information Services Programme funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the ULB Münster has hosted the Specialised Information Service Benelux / Low Countries Studies (FID Benelux) since early 2016.
The Specialised Information Services are a nationwide programme replacing the Special Subject Collections System (Sondersammelgebiete) at German academic libraries, which was discontinued in 2015. The programme aims to allow researchers across Germany quick, direct access to specialist literature and research-related information, regardless of the researcher's individual location. The programme thus complements the information infrastructure of universities and research centres with supra-regional services for high-level research.
The central platform for all FID services and search offers is the new FID Benelux portal, which was launched in December 2018.