Interlibrary loan and document delivery

You can request books and articles via the interlibrary loan which are not recorded in any library in Münster. Before doing so, please search the catalogues of the ULB Münster first and, where appropriate, of other Münster-based libraries (Diocesan Library, Public Library, LWL libraries).
Catalogues University of Münster / Münster / (inter)national
Prerequisite: You require a library card of the ULB Münster
Delivery time: usually 1 – 3 weeks
Costs: 1.50 EUR
Detailed information
Interlibrary loan request
If a request cannot be fulfilled because the book or the article cannot be obtained from any German library, you can place an international interlibrary loan request.
Info and request form
Information for foreign libraries
Document deliveries are more expensive than the interlibrary loan but particularly fast. As a customer, you can make direct use of the document deliveries mentioned here. The ULB Münster is not involved. Thereby, you can also request literature that is available in Münster (but, for example, is lent).
Information on document deliveries
Academics, who work at institutes outside the downtown traffic circle, can use the ULB courier service. We deliver the requested media from the ULB Central Library directly to your institute. This courier service is not available to medical institutes since the Medical Library provides them with the necessary literature.
Fact sheet
If you need journal articles or book chapters from the collections of the ULB for your personal research or for teaching, we can deliver them electronically – if the copyright law allows us to do so. Only members of the academic staff of the University of Münster (user numbers starting with K or X) are admitted to this service.
Digitisation order